Answered prayers!

Thank you so much for your prayers over "The Journey Deepens" weekend retreat. I could not possibly put into words how amazing it truly was. I feel so encouraged, inspired, challenged, and renewed in the Lord. I made new precious friends who I hope will be a part of my life for a long time to come. It was incredible to be surrounded by people seeking hard after God's heart and sharing a passion to see His name made great among all people in the world. We were able to pray for each other, spur each other on, and pray together for all the unreached and hurting people around the world. We spent powerful time worshipping the Lord and being humbled in His presence. In addition to all that, we were given quiet, alone time with the Lord to just be silent and process what He was showing us and allowing Him to speak new things into our lives. The final activity was quite difficult, but extremely powerful for me. We were told to write down on a small piece of paper things that were holding us back and things we needed to sacrifice to the Lord. We were given a nail and told to hammer those papers in the shape of a cross on an old wooden door. What a freeing, symbolic, and powerful experience this was. I walked away feeling lighter and experiencing such freedom!

Thank you so much for your prayers this weekend. I ask now for your prayers for God to continue the work He began in my life this weekend and to keep me strong in Him, knowing I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me! I am praying for dilligence and faithfulness in fulfilling the commitments and goals I made this weekend, and I am praying for all my new friends who are still unsure of exactly where God is calling them, but continue to have a strong desire to serve Him in missions. I so appreciate your partnership in much more than you know!

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