Since this is the end of the school year for us, it is also the end of the boarding year. Next year things will change some as we welcome 20 new girl boarders and a new boarding mistress, and half of my current boarders will move to the other side of the hostel with the new boarding mistress. So, before all the changes occur and the girls head their separate ways for the Christmas break, we decided to have fun girl time. I took the girls in three different groups to my favorite restaurant for milkshakes and card games. We had a craft night in my classroom, we exercised to my new dance aerobics video, and we had a fun slumber party where we watched girlie movies, had sugary snacks, and slept on my classroom floor.
Here are some of those fun moments captured:
Our various "milkshake outings"

Craft night

Slumber party with fun, girlie movies

Finally asleep

I love my girls so much and will really, really miss them over this long break. I look forward to seeing them all again in January, as well as meeting the 20 new girls that God will put in my life. Until then, I think I'll just enjoy my quiet, restful break. :)
This sounds so great! You continue to inspire me Andrea and push me to pursue others more, even all the way in Botswana! I love you girl!
I love the fact that we are never to old to enjoy sleepovers. Enjoy your summer/Christmas vacation. Make it a time of personal rest and re-creation in Him.
What fun! I bet you are true inspiration to them - they will remember you forever!
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