Today is a big day for my Dad. He turns 60 today! To honor him, I've created a "10 Reasons Why I Love My Dad" list (along with a few pictures). Here we go:
1. His humility...my dad is definitely one of the most humble men I know and it's something I admire so much about him.

Dad and I hanging out, trying to look cool :)
2. His laugh...the sound of my dad's laughter is one of my favorite sounds in the world.

Laughing through tears as we said good-bye at the airport
3. His helpfulness...when I read the book, The Five Love Languages, I knew right away that my dad's love language is "acts of service." All of my life I've known my dad as a do-er, whether it be helping me with homework, changing the oil in my car, painting my room, teaching me to drive (scary), teaching me to drive a stick shift(scarier!), helping me move...and move...and move, or any number of random acts of service to show his love.

Dad helping me on one of my many moves
4. His presence...I love that almost all of my great childhood memories about my family include my dad. This is special to me because it reminds me that he was always there, always present in my life. He has a great love for family and works to keep it a top priority.

Dad "cheesing it up" with my sister, Elizabeth
5. His support...whether it was a violin concert for me, a basketball game for Elizabeth, or a one-act play for Jason, we always knew we would have Dad's support and encouragement in anything we did.

Mom and Dad with Jason at his "Change of Command" ceremony.
6. Our shared love for music...I love riding in the car with Dad, stereo turned up loud, sharing some of my new favorite music with him because I know he will appreciate it as much as me. It may not necessarily be his "style", but because he loves music as much as I do, he can listen to anything and appreciate it.

Mom and Dad meeting Il Divo...a group we all love!
7. His willingness to travel and see new things...because of this, I have tons of fun family traveling memories and a great love of traveling as well.

Dad and Mom at The Grand Canyon
8. His playfulness...I love how no matter how tired he might be, Dad always finds extra energy to wrestle and play around with his kids. And even though he's way stronger than me, I also love that he gives me a chance to try "beating him up" first. (Haha!)

Dad playing around with my cousin's son, Johnny
9. "Dad-isms"...I can always count on my dad to crack me up with one of his many funny sayings, word mix-ups, or crazy questions. He definitely helps to keep laughter in the family! And because of his sweet humilty (see #1), rather than getting hurt or angry, he just laughs right along with us. :)

Santa Dad
10. His love for the Lord...although not boldy outspoken, my dad has a great love for Jesus. Many, many mornings as I woke up to start my day, I found Dad sitting at the counter with his Bible out, beginning the day with the Lord. I'm so thankful for a dad who loves the Lord and helped to point me towards Him.
This list is far from comprehensive, but is instead a small sample of the many reasons why I love my dad and think he is one of the greatest men in the world.

I love you, Dad!!
I'm so blessed and honored to have you as my father.
Thank you for all you do and for being who you are.
Happy, Happy Birthday!!!