I was blessed all day with messages from home, bringing loads of smiles to my face throughout the day. And I had a wonderful evening out with some other ladies at the mission. We went out for dinner, cappucinos, and sweet fellowship.
When I came home I found three of my teenagers with a giftbag of goodies for me, including a Botswana Zebras shirt, jewelry, candy, and cards.
Birthdays are always a nice time to stop and reflect, something I've been doing a little of today. I am really quite amazed with how God has worked things out in my life. I never would have imagined my life would look like this at this time, but I'm so thankful that it does! God's plans are great ones and I'm so glad that He knows much better than me what is best for me. I am also overwhelmingly grateful for the people He's put in my life. I am very blessed! :)
That is so great, Andrea! I absolutely love the Zebra jersey they got you....how sweet of them!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I loved what you had to say about this not being where you planned to be at this stage in your life... and yet you are filled with thanksgiving because you know the redirection of your plans put you in step with His. I hope this year is another great one in which you daily grow more in your walk. You and the kids at your school are in my thoughts.
Mo-I know! I was so impressed by those kids! And I'm super excited about my new jersey. :)
KSA-Thanks so much for the birthday blessings! And thanks for thinking of my kids!
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