
This week off has been a wonderful one! (Not counting the drivers' license issue, of course.) The week's been a nice balance between fellowship, getting things accomplished, and resting. I've been able to hang out with some of the other missionaries, eat good food in town, get lessons planned and grade papers for class, organize my room, catch up on LOST, spend time in the Word, and just enjoy having quiet times of rest.

I'm incredibly thankful for these days off and am now getting prepared for the kids' return. I'm looking forward to my role change in boarding and am really hoping to spend more time in fun fellowship with them, beginning with a craft night one day next week. I also can't wait for Bible study to start back up with the girls. It's been going so well!! (Last week there were even a few guys who asked to join us!)

So thankful for times of rest and refreshment!!


Unknown said...

and how are you liking LOST? which season are you in?

Andrea said...

I am actually all caught up! I was able to watch season five through iTunes. Now I can't wait for season six!!