A few years ago my brother began the huge task of teaching me about football. Through great patience and perseverance, he eventually was successful. Since that time this has been something that has bonded us together and we both look forward to football season each year when we can discuss the different college teams, predict who will do well and who won't, and watch/analyze the games together. It began as just being something I could share with my brother, but I soon found myself actually watching games all by myself and growing to really love the game!
This football season is a sad one for Jason and I, as we are both overseas and don't have access to the game we love. I am now having to rely on you guys back home to keep me in the loop! So, if you are also a college football fan, feel free to email me any time with updates and predictions. I will then pass on the information to my brother so that we can keep up with our traditional football chats. :)
P.S. There is an ongoing argument with the teenage boys here in Botswana about which is the better football, American football or the world's football (soccer). We both passionately argue our points, but one way they always stump me is when they throw the question at me, "Why do you even call that football?!? You hardly use your foot with the ball at all!" At this point, I have to shrug my shoulders and agree. Why do we call it football??
There is A LOT of running done. you do that on your feet :)
Whoops. That last comment was really by me. you can also tell them that just because we don't kick the ball for the whole game doesn't mean we don't use our feet
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