"Philippians 2 Christians"

I have a new love and excitement for Saturday mornings these days, for a few reasons:
  • I get to sleep in a little bit :)
  • I am able to have a nice, long time with the Lord without rushing to get to work
  • I can take a long walk or go for a quick jog while it is not too hot outside yet
  • Discipleship group!! This is by far my favorite part of Saturday.
Today in our Discipleship Group time, we continued our study of Philippians, concentrating on chapter 2. We started off our time by watching the "Give me Your Eyes" video and the girls had to make a connection between the video and what was in chapter 2, which they had no trouble doing.

Our discussion time was once again wonderful and one of the awesome things I heard this morning from one of the girls was: "Before reading Philippians chapter 2, I always thought being a Christian was just about me and God. But now I see that it is also about other people. And we go to church not just for me and God, but to also be with other people. We're supposed to see how we can also help people around us." An amazing "aha moment" for a sixteen year old!

So our group challenge this week is to be available to serve others and look for how we can help those who are hurting. One of the ways we can help and serve others is through prayer, so we are also working as a group to grow as intercessors. They each made prayer notecards with different people and prayer requests on each card, which they'll carry around and pray over whenever they have time during the day. This tool has been a huge blessing to me, so I'm excited to pass it on to them.

I'm so proud of these young ladies and I love how I am also so challenged and encouraged by my time with them. May we all grow as "Philippians 2 Christians."


Anonymous said...

I so love hearing about your girls.

Vicki Banta said...

I am honored that you would comment on my blog! Your life certainly speaks of you surrender to HIM! I will be reading your blog now and praying for your ministry!