"The Journey Deepens Retreat"

A couple of months before leaving for Botswana, I went to this amazing weekend retreat for prospective missionaries. I HIGHLY recommend this weekend to anyone who feels like they are called to missions or who just has a heart for missions in any way. You can go to the website (http://www.thejourneydeepens.com/) to read about the weekend retreats offered.

Here is a little bit of information on the weekends:
  • These weekends help prospective missionaries explore what it is like to be a missionary, discover whether a missionary or sender role is God's fit, and connect with mission agencies.
  • This is for high school seniors, college students, young adults, mid-lifers, baby boomers – anyone willing to explore becoming a missionary.
  • Each retreat of 50 participants and 10 missionaries from multiple agencies is highly relational with extended worship, small group discussions, personal reflection and much prayer. Discussions include guidance, finances, singles/families, etc.
  • In spring and summer 2009 the dates and locations are:- Apr 24-26 near Chicago, Illinois at the ITeams conference center- May 29-31 in Dallas, Texas at Wycliffe Bible Translators conference center- Jun 26-28 near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at the WEC conference center
  • At this retreat you will not be overwhelmed with overchoice! Here's some of the subjects that will be covered:I feel a pull from God to the nations. What should I do next? Which of my gifts and interests could I use in another culture? How can I deal with school loans? What's involved in raising prayer and financial support? How do I discuss missions with my family and my church? If God leads me to stay and send others what would that involve?

If you'd like to read about my experience at "The Journey Deepens Retreat" in the fall of 2007, click here.


Its just me said...

This sounds very interesting. We are in San Diego. Do you know of anything similar to this that may be a bit closer to us? :0)

Andrea said...

"The Journey Deepens" retreats actually happen twice a year, so there will be three more this fall. Hopefully one of them will be closer. :)